Stronger Systems
“AFG’s collaborative approach ensured that diverse perspectives – from the board, staff and community – informed the policy development process and ensured there was widespread buy-in. As a result, the policy was crafted with an eye toward effective implementation, which resulted in better results after the policy was unanimously approved by the board.
AFG’s regular communication and follow-up with board members and district leadership and staff helped to ensure that the policy under development was moving along the legislative process. The continuity of AFG holding the work helped ensure that the policy was passed in the midst of a leadership transition at the district level. AFG helped to successfully lift student voices and highlight the need for the district to address and prioritize the issues our girls were facing.”
-Aimee Eng, President, Oakland Unified School District Board of Education
BACKGROUND: In 2017, Alliance for Girls was integral in partnering with the Oakland Unified School District to pass one of the most progressive and responsive sexual harassment school district policies in the state. A year later, 100% of OUSD’s school principals are now trained in its new approach. AFG’s report, Valuing Girls’ Voices: The Lived Experiences of Girls of Color in Oakland Unified School District, helped to educate and inform the district and community, and highlighted key issues girls were facing in our schools. To address these concerns, AFG formed a multi-stakeholder group to work on revising the school district’s sexual harassment policy.